
What do you get with Active Minds?

Our Active Minds programmes have been written to ensure they are age appropriate and developmentally suitable for each age group in your school. Using our many years of experience working in schools and teaching young children, and in close partnership with leading professionals in various fields, we have produced a ground-breaking collection of programmes that we feel will better prepare the next generation to live long, healthy, happy and active lives.

Each lesson has a topic focus which is taught to students through a combination of discussion, short videos, worksheet tasks and physically active games. We have designed ACTIVE MINDS to work both indoors and outdoors and within the space you have available for physical activity. Each programme can be delivered as either a full class programme or as a smaller intervention programme targeting children you feel would benefit the most.

Active Minds provides the educator with the following to help them deliver their sessions:

  • Year 1 to Year 6 Lesson Resources
  • Lesson Worksheets
  • Lesson Plans
  • Activity Cards
  • Pre-Lesson Guidance Videos showing how to set up and play the games
  • Lesson Videos to be watched at the start of the lesson
  • Pre and Post Lesson Questionnaires
  • Data Analysis tool to upload your children’s scores and show development

Please see below what an Active Minds lesson would include:

What does an Active Minds Lesson look like?


Before the lesson begins we have provided a short Pre-Lesson Guidance Video for all of the educators to watch prior to delivering a lesson. The video is packed with information on today's subject, lesson resources, short videos on how to set up and play games.


Each lesson begins with the children watching a short video where we meet our friend George who introduces us to the week’s topic. This video is to be watched before the session begins and the key points that the video talks about can be used by the educator to revert back to while teaching the days topic.


Each lesson has been designed for children to work either on their own or in small groups. We find that circle time discussions are a great way to generate ideas and share knowledge whilst completing our worksheets or reverting back to the lesson video.


Time to get active! Each session comprises of 1-2 physically active tasks to further topic knowledge and understanding. These go hand in hand with the tasks on our worksheets and children must play the games to complete their worksheets. The games have been chosen and designed to be simple to set up, interactive and all inclusive and most of all great fun for the children to play while learning. Each game has different variations to challenge all levels of ability.


Your resources for each lesson include your lesson plan, activity cards to be collected during the main games and high quality, interactive worksheets to be used by children either on their own or in small groups. These are designed with the physically active games in mind and to extend and record learning.


Each programme comes with an individual Pre and Post questionnaire to assess learning and produce impact data reports. These are created using our analysis program that can be found on your online portal.

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