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St Georges Catholic Primary school in Worcester wanted to help their year 2 children with their Mental health and emotional resilience. As part of their overall child welfare and development at the school they wanted to target specific children who they felt would benefit from a physically active program for physical and mental development.

Why they did it?

To improve Mental health and physical well being of their children. To combat a national statistic – 1 in 8 children have a diagnosable mental health disorder and the school was seeing a decline in both mental and physical well being upon return from Covid19

What did we do?

We delivered our Mental Health and Emotional Resilience program for year 2. These were small, targeted intervention groups where children participated once a week for 6 weeks in our physically active program. Each child completed a Pre and Post program Questionnaire of which we collected their data.

What we found?


2/3 of pupils showed an improvement in their overall well being


increase of scores of confidence across the group


increase scores of character across the group


73% of pupils showed an improvement in their overall mental well being and emotional literacy

What did the teachers think?

The learning style worked really well, it engaged the children and kept them focused on the lesson whilst helping them to stay active and retain information I would absolutely recommend this program to other teachers. Great for children this young to address emotions and feelings. More sessions please - we loved it!

Esther Paterson, Year 2 Teacher and PE Coordinator

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Looking for a PHYSICALLY ACTIVE health program your educators can deliver that works towards OFSTED and RSE curriculum targets?
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